SC-Water: The sustainable alternative
The SC-Water produced by the SurfaceCleaner-100 is the perfect alternative to dangerous and aggressive chemical agents used for cleaning.
Not only does it offer a better solution for the environment, but it is also better for the cleaning staff and equipment.
Did you know?
The SC-Water is not only the better solution for the environment, but also for the cleaning staff and reduces the requirements for occupational safety to a minimum.
Unique solution for countless areas
Business and industry
The SurfaceCleaner-100 is the perfect solution for use in the industrial cleaning sector. The SC- Water is produced economically and efficiently on demand, whenever and however much is needed by the operator. SC-Water is suitable for mechanic and manual cleaning and disinfection.
The SC-Water is tested according to:
EN 1276 - Bactericidal effect on bacteria such as e.g. E. coli
EN 14476 - Virucidal effect on enveloped viruses such as influenza, HIV, corona. Highest cleaning effect with simultaneous protection of the environment and personnel.
Shopping centres
For all surfaces in sales areas, staff zones and the food sector.
The excellent effect of the SC-Water ensures the highest cleaning effect for customers, while at the same time protecting the staff and the environment.
Your direct benefits are the absence of health problems caused by mixing and lugging different, often dangerous cleaning agents, less waste, no microplastics and other residuals, as well as cost savings and sustainable cleaning. The SC-Water is suitable for manual cleaning and use in cleaning machines.
Hotels and hospitality
The SurfaceCleaner-100 is the perfect solution for use in the industrial cleaning sector. The SC- Water is produced economically and efficiently on demand, whenever and however much is needed by the operator. SC-Water is suitable for mechanic and manual cleaning and disinfection.
The SC-Water is tested according to:
EN 1276 - Bactericidal effect on bacteria such as e.g. E. coli
EN 14476 - Virucidal effect on enveloped viruses such as influenza, HIV, corona. Highest cleaning effect with simultaneous protection of the environment and personnel.
Wellness and saunas
They are often the figurehead and at the same time one of the greatest challenges for a company. Maximum cleanliness is a must, but the warm, humid environment, high traffic, lots of skin contact and perspiration place high demands on staff and cleaning supplies. The SurfaceCleaner-100 enables the best cleaning performance for bathrooms, showers, saunas, steam baths and other wet areas without endangering the staff or guests with aggressive residues or vapors.
The SC-Water by the SurfaceCleaner-100 can be used in spray bottles to clean walls and seats as well as for floor cleaning with a mop and bucket or in a floor cleaning machine.
Care homes and health care
Cleanliness and purity are essential for residents, patients, visitors and staff in all areas of healthcare. Cleanliness is the top priority to prevent viruses and bacteria from multiplying in these areas.
The SC-Water produced by the SurfaceCleaner-100 efficiently cleans the surfaces, which then meet the highest standards of hygiene. In any case, the SurfaceCleaner-100 guarantees an equivalent, but in many cases better effect than conventional chemical agents.
The SC-Water of the SurfaceCleaner-100 cleans all surfaces without the typical antiseptic smell of classic chemical cleaning agents that is often not very pleasant for patients and staff.
Restaurants and pubs
The SurfaceCleaner-100 offers the optimal solution for cleaning surfaces in restaurants and bars. Whether in the kitchen, counter, food or packaging area, the permanently installed SurfaceCleaner-100 replaces all other cleaning agents and guarantees environmentally friendly and cost-efficient cleaning.
The amount of SC-Water can be produced flexibly and as needed and filled into any container.
Task forces and emergency personnel
The SurfaceCleaner-100 uses normal tap water and processes it into an effective cleaning agent for surfaces through a sophisticated electrolysis process using the patented boron-doped diamond electrode.
The comprehensive cleaning properties of the SC-Water have also been tested according to the specifications of EN 1276 and EN 14476.
Educational institutions and care centers
Schools, universities, kindergartens etc., the SurfaceCleaner-100 ensures cleanliness and safety for children, pupils, students and care staff in every educational and care facility - from the kitchen and canteen to the lecture hall and playroom to the desk and work surface.
The highest standard of hygiene with the SC-Water, as the various surfaces are cleaned efficiently, quickly and extensively.
Transport and public transportation
The SurfaceCleaner-100 enables the cleaning of all surfaces in buses, trains, subways, taxis, rental cars and other means of transport that are heavily contaminated with dirt, bacteria, viruses and germs due to the high frequency of use.
For example, floors, handles, buttons, windows and any partition systems can be cleaned and disinfected in one single step by using SC-Water.
The SurfaceCleaner-100’s SC-Water means having efficient, ecological and economic cleaning and disinfection of all surfaces. Neither operators nor customers will be harmed by dangerous chemicals or irritated by unpleasant odors.
Research institutes and laboratories
Research rooms and laboratories often have high standards of hygiene and cleanliness. The SurfaceCleaner-100 produces the highly efficient cleaning agent SC-Water, which makes a significant contribution to hygiene and cleanliness.
Laboratory tables, hoods, floors, cabinets, laboratory supplies and other surfaces can be cleaned quickly and sustainably with the SC-Water.
Common rooms and sanitary facilities
In order to ensure the best possible hygiene in shared areas such as toilets, showers, changing rooms, fitness rooms, etc., cleanliness and cleanliness are among the top priorities.
Whether in the fitness center, in the swimming pool, at the soccer field, in the gym or at the campsite: by cleaning with the SC-Water made by the SurfaceCleaner-100 you guarantee your customers, members and sports fans a safe and clean environment.
Waiting areas and public meeting areas
Train stations, bus stations, entrance areas: Many people in confined spaces
With the SC-Water of the SurfaceCleaner-100, any crowded area where people have contact with each other and with different surfaces can be cleaned safely and easily.
Depending on your needs, the appropriate amount of the highly effective SC-Water can be used to achieve cleaning results according to the highest standards. In addition, the SC-Water is harmless for employees and customers.
Offices and authorities
The SurfaceCleaner-100 offers the best cleaning performance for all areas from offices and conference rooms to canteens and citizen service.
The SC-Water of the SurfaceCleaner-100 can be used in large and small containers for manual cleaning as well as in cleaning machines. The SC-Water works excellently on solid surfaces - whether tiles, mosaic, cement, glass, etc. With SC-Water, all these surfaces can be cleaned efficiently and inexpensively without chemical pollution or residues.
Contact our expert now

Manuela Kuss
Sales partner