Health Water Machine:
Drinking water at the push of a button
Treating contaminated
tap water at home
The Health Water Machine (HWM) is a compact small system for households whose tap water cannot be drunk due to contamination. The HWM is connected directly to the water tap (e.g. in the kitchen). At the push of a button, water flows through the HWM and can be drunk directly after.
Drinking water: A rare commodity

Most bodies of water in Austria carry water so pure it can be drunk. Drinking water lines meet the current state of technology, meaning that the water can be drunk directly from the tap, e.g. in the kitchen.
Globally, however, Austria is an exception to the rule. According to UNICEF, more than 2.2 billion people on the planet lack access to clean drinking water. This trend is rising as more and more regions suffer from water shortages due to climate change. Drinking water is becoming a rare commodity for humanity.

Fully automated
drinking water treatment
The HWM is connected to a water line (e.g. in the kitchen) and powered using its power cord (conventional 110-230V socket). Once powered on, contaminated water flows through the HWM’s three treatment stages.
The first stage is a nano filtration stage that removes all harmful substances from the water. However, this stage also filters out important minerals (e.g. magnesium) that are then added back into the water in their purest form in the second stage. In the third stage the water flows through an electrolysis cell to disinfect and electrochemically enrich the water (hydrogen enrichment). After the third stage, the water is clean and can be ingested without hesitation.
Our know-how for your success
The HWM has been tested in many a household. Technically speaking the HWM is ready for its market launch and could be produced and sold right away.

The details of a potential partnership would then be worked out with the respective partner. pro aqua is generally open to any form of cooperation.